HAYNES 282 Alloy

Alloy name: HAYNES 282
Diagram No.: 1103
Type of diagram: TTH
Chemical composition in weight %: See the table
Alloy group: Nickel-based alloys
Note: TTH curves corresponding to 30Rc.
The relative ranking of the Gamma' precipitation kinetics remained the same in a similar study shown in Fig. In this study, isothermal exposures were conducted at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1900°F (538°C to 1038°C) for varying durations. The results are plotted as TTH curves for each of the four alloys. The curves correspond to a Rc hardness of 30. The results indicate that 282 alloy has considerably more sluggish precipitation kinetics than either R-41 or Waspaloy alloys, while being slightly more rapid than 263 alloy. This has profound implications on fabricability as will be discussed in the following two sections of this paper. Reference: Not shown in this demo version.

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