Hardenability of Steels

Steel name: Steel
Diagram No.: 1946
AS designation: No data
Chemical composition in weight %: No data
Steel group: Steels
Applications: No data
Comment: Specification of hardenability limits: The hardenability of the steel shall be specified in terms of the tabulated hardness limits for the following distances from the quenched end of the test specimen: 1.5, 3, 5, 9, 13, 20, 25 and 30 mm.
1 No result below 20 HRC need be reported. See AS 1815.1 for the method of conducting the Rockwell hardness test.
2 For convenience in the estimating of hardness values at various locations on the end-quench test bar and for quick comparison of the various grades, hardenability values are also plotted on graphs which are for guidance only.
3 The curves for individual heats may vary in shape from the standard band, and thus may deviate slightly at one or more positions along the full length of the band. A tolerance of two points HRC is therefore permissible over any small portion of the curve, except at the 1.5 mm position.
4 Alternatively, two points may be used to specify hardenability, in several ways, as follows:
(a) The minimum and maximum distances at which any derived hardness value occurs (points A-A' in Figure 1).
(b) The minimum and maximum hardness at any given distance (points B-B' in Figure 1).
(c) Maximum hardness values at two desired distances (points C-C' in Figure 1).
(d) Minimum hardness values at two desired distances (points D-D' in Figure 1).
(e) Any minimum hardness plus any maximum hardness.
Where hardenability is specified by one of the ways given in items (a) to (e), the maximum and minimum hardness values at 1.5 mm may also be specified in addition to the other two points.
Reference: Not shown in this demo version.

Heat Treatment

Hardenability Diagram

Figure 1: Examples of the use of two points to specify hardenability limits.

Other Steel Data links:
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CCT and TTT Diagrams of Steels
CCT and TTT Diagram Calculating Service
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Metal Etchants
Non-Metallic Inclusions in Steel
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Tempering Diagrams of Steels

Disclaimer: The material data is a central depository of information based on global actual tests and calculated software data that is available to the public for a fee. The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other purposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.

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