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66SiMnCrMo6-6-4 Steel
Steel name: 66SiMnCrMo6-6-4
Diagram No.: 2036
DIN designation: 66SiMnCrMo6-6-4
Chemical composition in weight %: See the table.
Steel group: Bearing steels
Applications: No data
Comment: Ovako 677L & 677Q is an air-hardening bearing steel with high mechanical strength and fatigue properties. By using gas cooling or air-hardening it is possible to reduce the amount of distortion. Additionally the use of quenching medias such as oil and salt can be avoided, which improves both safety and environment. Similar designation: 66SiMnCrMo6-6-4. Ac1=768 C, Ac3=792 C, Ms=193.
Reference: Not shown in this demo version.
Heat Treatment
Hardening: 880-1000°C, directly hardened in air or by gas quenching.
Hardenability Diagram
Price: 20.00 US $
Buy Online Hardenability Diagram
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Disclaimer: The material data is a central depository of information based on global actual tests and calculated software data that is available to the public for a fee. The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other purposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.