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Steam condensate system-Upper part of horizontal condensate pipe- Cavitation - Corrosion defects
Figure 1: Steam condensate system-Upper part of horizontal condensate pipe- Cavitation.
Defect name: Steam condensate system-Upper part of horizontal condensate pipe- Cavitation
Record No.: 171
Type of defect (Internal/Surface): Internal, surface
Defect classification: Corrosion defects
Steel name: Carbon steel.
Steel composition in weight %: No data.
System: Steam condensate system.
Part: Upper part of horizontal condensate pipe.
Phenomenon: Cavitation
Appearance: Attack with sharp edges, concentrated at the upper side of the pipe.
Time to failure: A few years.
Environment: Oxygen-free and low carbonic acid condensate.
Cause: A condensate/steam mixture from a leaking steam trap was fed in upstream at the
upper side of the line. The entrained steam imploded in the condensate present in the
line, thereby causing cavitation with preferential attack to the weld.
Remedy: Improved maintenance of steam traps.
Reference: Not shown in this demonstration version.