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Broken base - Rail defects
Figure 1: Broken base.
Defect name: Broken base
Record No.: 2578
Type of defect (Internal/Surface): Internal, surface
Defect classification: Rail defects
Steel name: Steel
Steel composition in weight %: No data.
Note: A base defect is any break
originating in the base of the
rail. It should be noted that any
defects in the base area cannot be
currently detected by rail testing
software. The most common base
defects are: Broken base and base fractures
Sizing for base defects is normally
reported in inches.
Definition - A broken base is a
progressive fracture in the base of
the rail, with a vertical separation
or split. A broken base is normally
confi ned within the fl ange area of
the rail base and is usually an ovalshaped
break called a half-moon
Origin - Separation may be caused
by improper bearing on ties or tie
plates, or may originate in a seam,
segregation, or inclusion.
Growth - Growth usually depends
on the location of the break and
the loading of the rail.
Appearance - Broken base defects
appear as one the following:
• A crack starting near the
junction of the base and web,
extending outward to the
edge of the base.
• A longitudinal crack extending
along the junction of the web
and base.
• A half-moon break in the base
of the rail.
Hazard - A broken base is
dangerous because:
• The remainder of the rail cross
section becomes weakened.
• Upon service failure, the rail
may break into several pieces.
Reference: Not shown in this demonstration version.