Flattened rail - Rail defects

Figure 1: Flattened rail.

Defect name: Flattened rail
Record No.: 2583
Type of defect (Internal/Surface): Surface
Defect classification: Rail defects
Steel name: Steel
Steel composition in weight %: No data.
Note:   Definition - Flattened rail is a short length of rail (not at a joint) that has flattened out across the width of the rail head to a depth of 3/8 inch or more below the rest of the rail. Flattened rail occurrences have no repetitive regularity, so do not include corrugations.

Origin - Flattened rail has no apparent localized cause such as a weld or engine burn.

Growth - Individual lengths are relatively short, as compared to a condition such as head flow on the low rail of curves.

Appearance - Flattened rail shows the following:
• A flattening and widening of the head for several inches, with the entire head sagging.
• Small cracks in the depression on the running surface.

Detection - Flattened rail can be detected by visual inspection.
Reference: Not shown in this demonstration version.

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