Company Data
Princeton Gamma-Tech (PGT)
1200 State Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: 609.924.7310
Fax: 609.924.1729
Email   Website
Microanalysis EDS systems for SEM, TEM and STEM, image analysis system for electron microscopy and optical microscopy, EDS detectors with adaptive digital pulse processor.

Now is Bruker AXS Microanalysis.

Branch office, California, Tel: 408 734 8124, Fax: 408 734 8137
West Coast region, Tel: 805 523 1882, Fax: 805 523 1896
Northwest region, Tel: 708 698 4210, Fax: 708 696 2541
Northeast region, Tel: 516 822 4880, Fax: 516 822 4887
New England, Tel: 617 938 9111, Fax: 617 938 1185
Mid-Atlantic, Tel: 301 262 4104, Fax: 301 262 0489
Mid-West, Tel: 216 331 0120
Southeast region, Tel: 404 633 3904
Canada, Tel: 613 832 0094, Fax: 613 832 4102

Princeton Gamma-Tech (PGT) UK Ltd.
2 Metro Centre, Welbeck Way
PR2 7UH Peterborough
Tel: +44 1733 391 811
Fax: +44 1733 394 020
Distributor of PGT.

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