DC53 Steel

Steel name: DC53
Diagram No.: 1816
JIS designation: SKD11 mod.
Chemical composition in weight %: 0.95% C, 1.00% Si, 0.40% Mn, 8.00% Cr, 2.0% Mo, 0.30% V
Steel group: Cold work tool steels
Properties: A Hardness of HRC 62-63 is secured after tempering at high temperatures (520-530 C). DC53 has relatively well-performing toughness among all cold die steels. Therefore, tools and dies made of DC53 are less faced with the problems such as cracking and chipping, which often seriously affect conventional tools and dies, and enjoy greater durability. Therefore, DC53 exceeds SKD11 in strength and wear resistance.
Applications: Wire discharge processed press dies for fine blanking, composite processing, etc. Dies for cold forging, deep drawing, and thread rolling. High-speed blanking punches, stainless steel sheet punches.
Reference: Not shown in this demo version.

Heat Treatment
Hardening: 1020-1040 C to 500 C hot bath then air cooling. 1020-1040 C/vacuum.
Tempering: Low temperature: 180-200 C. High temperature: 500-550 C.
Diagram note: No data

Tempering Diagram

Price: 20.00 US $
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