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Metal Residue Between BL and VSS-Line I
Material Name: Silicon
Record No.: 112
Primary Chemical Element in Material: Si
Sample Type: Wafer
Uses: Etching
Etchant Name: None
Etching Method: Dry etching
Etchant (Electrolyte) Composition: No data
Procedure (Condition): No data
Note: The device is 0.15ìm process technology, 3-level
metal design 8Mb synchronous SRAM with a single
column failure. It presents high IDD leakage of
800~900 µA under 1.2V constant voltage. The
device has a typical metallic short failure. Therefore,
front-side OBIRCH or TIVA is recommended to
quickly localize the leakage source. As expectation,
the front-side OBIRCH works effectively (Fig. 1, 2).
Reference: Cheng-Piao Lin, Cheng-Chun Ting, Chin-Hsin Tang, Cheng-Hsu Wu, Chih-Ming Kuo,
Yung-Sheng Huang, Application of Various Fault Localization Techniques to Different
Types of 6T-SRAM column Failures, ISTFA 2002, Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis, 3-7 November 2002, Phoenix Civic Center, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 259-265.
Figure 1: OBIRCH image.
Figure 2: SEM image of OBIRCH located metal residue between BL and VSS-line.