Metal Etchants
12,076 etchants
Semiconductor Etchants
10,362 etchants
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Database Features
Keyword searching
Browsing by chemical element
Easy to use and install
Number of etchants (recipes): 22,438
Metal Etchants Features
Keyword searching
Browsing by chemical element
Easy to use and install
Number of etchants: 12,076
Aluminium - Al: 803 etchants
Antimony - Sb: 50 etchants
Arsenic - As: 9 etchants
ASTM: 169 electrolytes for electropolishing
Barium - Ba: 42 etchants
Beryllium - Be: 172 etchants
Bismuth - Bi: 83 etchants
Boron - B: 38 etchants
Bulk samples: 8994 etchants
Cadmium - Cd: 191 etchants
Calcium - Ca: 85 etchants
Carbides: 631 etchants
Carbon - C: 47 etchants
Cerium - Ce: 37 etchants
Chemical Polishing: 874
Chromium - Cr: 121 etchants
Cobalt - Co: 375 etchants
Copper - Cu: 743 etchants
Dislocation etching: 386
Dysprosium - Dy : 19 etchants
EBSD Sample Preparations: 33
Erbium - Er: 18 etchants
Europium - Eu: 11 etchants
Fluorides: 135 etchants
Gadolinium - Gd: 31 etchants
Gallium - Ga: 410 etchants
Germanium - Ge: 299 etchants
Gold - Au: 171 etchants
Hafnium - Hf: 78 etchants
Holmium - Ho: 16 etchants
Indium - In: 297 etchants
Iridium - Ir: 22 etchants
Iron - Fe: 1812 etchants
Lanthanum - La: 26 etchants
Lead - Pb: 280 etchants
Lithium - Li: 68 etchants
Lutetium - Lu: 5 etchants
Macro Etchants: 552 etchants
Magnesium - Mg: 377 etchants
Manganese - Mn: 62 etchants
Mercury - Hg: 40 etchants
Molybdenum - Mo: 220 etchants
Named Etchants: 1840 etchants
Neodymium - Nd: 19 etchants
Neptunium - Np: 4 etchants
Nickel - Ni: 802 etchants
Niobium - Nb: 256 etchants
Nitrides: 185 etchants
Osmium - Os: 15 etchants
Oxides: 1522 etchants
Palladium - Pd: 69 etchants
Phosphides: 57 etchants
Platinum - Pt: 85 etchants
Plutonium - Pu: 49 etchants
Potassium - K: 50 etchants
Praseodymium - Pr: 24 etchants
Retained Austenite: 5 etchants
Rubidium - Rb: 5 etchant
Rhenium - Re: 58 etchants
Rhodium - Rh: 19 etchants
Ruthenium - Ru: 19 etchants
Samarium - Sm: 29 etchants
Scandium - Sc: 15 etchants
Selenium - Se: 20 etchants
Silicon - Si: 673 etchants
Silver - Ag: 261 etchants
Single Crystals: 540 etchants
Sodium - Na: 61 etchants
Strontium - Sr: 22 etchants
Tantalum - Ta: 186 etchants
TEM sample preparation procedures: 198
Tellurium - Te: 36 etchants
Terbium - Tb: 8 etchants
Thallium - Tl: 20 etchants
Thin Films: 440 etchants
Thin Foil: 692 etchants
Thorium - Th: 72 etchants
Thulium - Tm: 7 etchants
Tin - Sn: 180 etchants
Titanium - Ti: 523 etchants
Tungsten - W: 211 etchants
Uranium - U: 292 etchants
Vanadium - V: 108 etchants
Wafers: 1348 etchants
XRD: 142 electrolytes
Ytterbium - Yb: 14 etchants
Yttrium - Y: 73 etchants
Zinc - Zn: 251 etchants
Zirconium - Zr: 252 etchants
Semiconductor Etchants Features
Keyword searching
Browsing by chemical element
Easy to use and install
Number of recipes: 10,362
Aluminium - Al: 554 recipes
Antimony - Sb: 20 recipes
Arsenic - As: 11 recipes
Barium - Ba: 29 recipes
Beryllium - Be: 29 recipes
Bismuth - Bi: 42 recipes
Boron - B: 22 recipes
Bulk samples: 479 recipes
Cadmium - Cd: 155 recipes
Calcium - Ca: 57 recipes
Carbon - C: 22 recipes
Cerium - Ce: 3 recipes
Cleaning: 802 recipes
Chromium - Cr: 77 recipes
Cobalt - Co: 57 recipes
Copper - Cu: 213 recipes
Deposition: 129 recipes
Dislocation etching: 216 recipes
Dry etching: 1862 recipes
Dry + wet etching: 102 recipes
Dysprosium - Dy : 1 recipe
Erbium - Er: 4 recipes
Europium - Eu: 1 recipe
Gadolinium - Gd: 12 recipes
Gallium - Ga: 2037 recipes
Germanium - Ge: 219 recipes
Gold - Au: 96 recipes
Hafnium - Hf: 27 recipes
Holmium - Ho: 3 recipes
Indium - In: 2179 recipes
Iridium - Ir: 9 recipes
Iron - Fe: 282 recipes
Lanthanum - La: 14 recipes
Layer etching: 416 recipes
Lead - Pb: 88 recipes
Lithium - Li: 73 recipes
Magnesium - Mg: 97 recipes
Manganese - Mn: 7 recipes
Mercury - Hg: 47 recipes
Molybdenum - Mo: 72 recipes
Named etchants: 487 recipes
Nano samples: 87 recipes
Neodymium - Nd: 5 recipes
Neptunium - Np: 1 recipe
Nickel - Ni: 189 recipes
Niobium - Nb: 55 recipes
Osmium - Os: 3 recipes
Palladium - Pd: 17 recipes
Passivation: 97 recipes
Polishing: 701 recipes
Platinum - Pt: 43 recipes
Plutonium - Pu: 49 recipes
Potassium - K: 76 recipes
Praseodymium - Pr: 24 recipes
Rubidium - Rb: 7 etchant
Rhenium - Re: 7 recipes
Rhodium - Rh: 1 recipe
Ruthenium - Ru: 26 recipes
Samarium - Sm: 2 recipes
Scandium - Sc: 5 recipes
Selenium - Se: 38 recipes
Silicon - Si: 1683 recipes
Silver - Ag: 104 recipes
Single crystals: 646 recipes
Sodium - Na: 80 recipes
Strontium - Sr: 22 recipes
Tantalum - Ta: 77 recipes
Tellurium - Te: 29 recipes
Terbium - Tb: 1 recipe
Thallium - Tl: 4 recipes
Thin films: 1300 recipes
Thin foils: 685 recipes
Thorium - Th: 4 recipes
Thulium - Tm: 1 recipe
Tin - Sn: 43 recipes
Titanium - Ti: 184 recipes
Tungsten - W: 75 recipes
Uranium - U: 20 recipes
Vanadium - V: 26 recipes
Wafers: 6242 recipes
Wet etching: 6000 recipes
Ytterbium - Yb: 2 recipes
Yttrium - Y: 32 recipes
Zinc - Zn: 181 recipes
Zirconium - Zr: 32 recipes