706 Alloy

Alloy name: 706
Diagram No.: 910
Type of diagram: TTH
Chemical composition in weight %: 36.9% Fe, 16.0% Cr, 3.02% Nb, 1.65% Ti, 0.19% Al, 0.01% C, 0.05% Si, 0.003% N, 0.001% S, balance is Ni.
Alloy group: Nickel-based alloys
Note: Hardness test results for 982% annealed then aged samples are shown in Figure. (1121 C annealed material showed similar results). Aging response is accelerated between 760 C and 816 C but peak hardness occurs at longer times between 704°C and 760°C. The T-T-T curves in Figure in Diagram No. 911 show that increases in hardness correlate with precipitation of Gamma’ and Gamma”. The highest isothermally generated hardnesses are associated with greater amounts of Gamma’ + Gamma” and the onset of Eta precipitation. In general, hardness decreases with increasing amounts of Eta, although slight hardening relative to the annealed state occurs where Eta (especially) and A2B precipitation thoroughly transform grains to Widmanstatten structure.
Additional links: No. 910, No. 911
Reference: Not shown in this demo version.

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