Aluminium Oxide - Al2O3

Classification: Oxide
Atomic numbers: 13 & 8
Atomic weight: 102
Melting point (C): 1725
Boiling point (C): 2250 (2050)
Softening point (C): 2050
Density (g/cm3): 3.9
Refractive index (n=): 1.77 (1.65)
Thermal condictivity (cal/sec/cm/C, at 25 C): 0.077
Coefficient of thermal expansion (x exp10(-6) cm/cm/C): 6.6
Specific heat (cal/g/C, at 25 C): 0.25
Compressive strength (kg/cm2): 24,000
Modulus of rupture (kg/cm2): 4800
Dielectric constant (1 kHz) at 25-500 C: 9.87-10.93
Hardness (Mosh-scratch): 9
Hardness (Vickers-kfg/mm2): 1650
Crystal structure: Hexagonal-rhombohedral: (10TT) rhomb, isometric-normal: (100) cube
Color (solid): Solid-powder/sxtl: White/black/grey/brown/blue
Cleavage: Basal-parting only, or cubic: (0001) or (001)

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