Round duplex inclusion in steel

Figure 1: Round duplex inclusion, Mag. 100 X.

Figure 2: Round duplex inclusion, Mag. 400 X.

Figure 3: Round duplex inclusion, SEM, Mag. 700 X.

Inclusion name: Duplex inclusion
Record No.: 381
Inclusion formula: No data
Inclusion type (Macro/Micro/Nano): Micro
Inclusion type (Exogenous/Indigenous): Indigenous
Inclusion classification: No data
Inclusion composition in weight %: No data
Sample: Steel
Steel composition in weight %: No data
Note: Round or duplex inclusions were liquid in the liquid steel and solidified as a liquid during casting. As the casting cooled these inclusions precipitated solid crystals from the liquid of the oxide and now under examination at room temperature they appear as multiphase inclusions. One should not be fooled into thinking that the duplex nature occurred at steelmaking temperatures.
Reference: Not shown in this demo version.

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