
About non-metallic inclusions in steel
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About non-metallic inclusions
Active and inert inclusions in steel based on their chemical composition
A qualitative analysis of the effect of different NMI on the machinability of steels
Calcium treatment
Composition of the spessartite phase in inclusions and in synthetic slag
Continuous casting system (ladle, tundish, and molds) with all devices and precautions for casting clean steel
Characterization of inclusions according to optical microscopy
Direct and indirect methods to analyze inclusions
Double oxides of spinel which are related to the galaxite phase
Element combinations and phases detected in inclusions
Ferroalloys & alloying additive
Inclusions found in different ferroalloys
Inclusion extraction methods
Inclusion classification in LCAK steel by size and shape
Inclusion nomenclature
Indigenous inclusions - origin
Influence of common steel impurities on steel mechanical properties
Hydrogen microprinting
Maximum inclusion size allowed in different products
Melting points and density of non-metallic inclusions
Melting ranges and thermal effects of alloy addition agents
Metallography standards
Minerals and phases in the system Cu-S
Modification of oxide inclusions by addition of Ca
Most abundant minerals usually found in different metallurgical slag
Named inclusions
Phase diagrams
Phases reported to exist in the FeO-SiO2-Al2O3 system
Phases reported to exist in the MgO-SiO2-Al2O3 system
Phases reported to exist in the MnO-SiO2-Al2O3 system
Phases reported to exist in the CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 system
Physical properties of some rare earth oxysulfide phases
Physical properties of alloy addition agents
Possible inclusion sources
Rare-earth-metals (REM) treatment
Schematic lay-out of the electroslag remelting (ESR)
Schematic lay-out of the ladle, tundish, SEN and casting mould for curved continuous casting
Steel cleanliness requirements for various steel grades
Stress-raising properties of various inclusion type in 1% C-Cr bearing steel
Theoretical compositions and phycial properties of calcium oxide, aluminium oxide and different calcium aluminates
Top pouring and bottom pouring for conventional ingot casting
Tundish with a shrouded pipe and various devices
Values of coefficients of thermal expansion for various inclusion types
Various methods for extraction of inclusion particles
Water-solubility of various oxides and sulphides

Element-to-stoichiometric oxide conversion factors
Methods to detect inclusions
Mohs hardness scale
Temperature conversion

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