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Casting Defects
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Heat Treatment Defects
Machining Defects
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316 stainless (S31600) bar - Corrosion defects
A defects - Rail defects
ASTM E2868 digital reference radiographs - Casting defects
Adhesive wear - Tool steel defects
Air bubbles - Defects in soluble cores - Other defects
Air bubbles - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Alloy X (N06002) bar - Corrosion defects
Anneal-stained edges - Rolling defects
Appearance of sodium dichromate - Coating defects
Applying of inappropriate hardening techniques - Heat treatment defects
Ash deposits - Coating defects
Ash staining - Coating defects
Automotive disc brake - Casting defects
Bad tension reel - Rolling defects
Band surface inclusion (sandwich) - Rolling defects
Banding - Roll defects
Bare spots - Coating defects
Bare spots - Coating defects
Baumann test - Forging defects
Beard and burr formation on slabs - Slab defects
Billet crack - Rolling defects
Black band - Rolling defects
Black line defect - Rail defects
Black line defect - Rail defects
Black steel inspection - Coating defects
Blasting damage - Coating defects
Bleeders - Slab defects
Bleeding - Coating defects
Bleeding – yellowish stains - Coating defects
Blister - Casting defects
Blister defect - Rolling defects
Blister defect - Slab defect
Blister on disc brake rotor - Casting defects
Blistering - Coating defects
Blistering - Coating defects
Blistering defect of paint - Coating defects
Blisters - Rolling defects
Blisters and slivers - Slab defects
Blocked screw holes - Drawing defects
Blooming - Coating defects
Blow hole - Casting defects
Blow hole - Casting defects
Blow hole - Casting defects
Blow hole - Casting defects
Blow hole - Casting defects
Blow hole - Casting defects
Blow outs - Coating defects
Blowhole - Casting defects
Blowhole - Slab defects
Blowhole/pinhole - Slab defects
Blowholes - Casting defects
Blowholes - Casting defects
Blowholes - Casting defects
Blowholes - Casting defects
Blowholes - Rolling defects
Blowholes - Slab defects
Blowholes - Slab defects
Blowholes- Wet sand - Casting defects
Bright band (convex edge) - Rolling defects
Bright macrostructure - Rolling defects
Broken wheel bolt - Fractography
Bubble - Drawing defects
Bubbles - Casting defects
Bubbles - Casting defects
Bubbles - Slab defects
Bubbles defect - Slab defects
Bubbles in general - Coating defects
Buckle - Casting defects
Buckling - Forging defects
Bulge - Casting defects
Bulge defects in the internal wall of oil casing pipe - Pipeline defects
Bulging marks - Slab defects
Bulk microstructure - Rail defects
Burns on the surface of the workpiece - Machining defects
Burnt edges - Rolling defects
Burrs - Machining defects
Burst failures - Fractography
CN7M valve - Casting defects
Carbon segregation ratio - Ingot defects
Cause analysis of cracking and leakage of T91 steel tube - Fractography
Cavity - Ingot defects
Center burst - Forging defects
Center porosity - Ingot defects
Centerline crack - Rolling defects
Centerline segregation - Slab defects
Centerline segregations - Slab defects
Centerline sponginess - Ingot defects
Central crack and porosity - Slab defects
Central pipe, halfway crack, off-corner crack - Rolling defcts
Central porosity - Ingot defects
Central porosity - Ingot defects
Central porosity - Slab defects
Central porosity - Slab defects
Central segregation and porosity - Ingot defects
Central shrinkage crack - Ingot defects
Centreline segregate - Slab defects
Centreline segregation - Slab defects
Centreline shrinkage - Rail defects
Chalking - Coating defects
Chamfer mold - Slab defects
Chaplet - Casting defects
Characteristic shapes of the crack contour - Rail defects
Chatter marks - Machining defects
Chatter marks - Roll defects
Chatter marks - Rolling defects
Chatter marks - Rolling defects
Checking defect - Rolling defects
Chemical inhomogeneity - Slab defects
Chemical segregation - Casting defects
Chevron cracking (central burst) - Drawing defects
Chill zone - Slab defects
Chipping – poor putty - Coating defects
Class 1 arris - Rail defects
Class 1 rolling contact fatigue cracks - Rail defects
Class 1 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 1 spalling - Rail defects
Class 1 spalling - Rail defects
Class 1 steep flange - Rail defects
Class 1 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 1 thermal cracks - Rail defects
Class 2 arris - Rail defects
Class 2 arris - Rail defects
Class 2 rolling contact fatigue cracks - Rail defects
Class 2 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 2 spalling - Rail defects
Class 2 spalling - Rail defects
Class 2 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 2 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 2 thermal cracks - Rail defects
Class 3 arris - Rail defects
Class 3 arris - Rail defects
Class 3 high flange - Rail defects
Class 3 hollow tread - Rail defects
Class 3 rolling contact fatigue cracks - Rail defects
Class 3 scaled wheels - Rail defects
Class 3 scaled wheels - Rail defects
Class 3 short flange - Rail defects
Class 3 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 3 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 3 spalling - Rail defects
Class 3 spalling - Rail defects
Class 3 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 3 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 3 thermal cracks - Rail defects
Class 4 arris - Rail defects
Class 4 arris - Rail defects
Class 4 manufacturing defect or external wheel damage - Rail defects
Class 4 rolling contact fatigue cracks - Rail defects
Class 4 scaled wheels - Rail defects
Class 4 scaled wheels - Rail defects
Class 4 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 4 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 4 spalling - Rail defects
Class 4 spalling - Rail defects
Class 4 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 4 thermal crack - Rail defects
Class 4 thermal cracks - Rail defects
Class 4 thin flange - Rail defects
Class 5 fatigue crack - Rail defects
Class 5 scaled wheels - Rail defects
Class 5 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 5 skidded wheels - Rail defects
Class 5 thermal cracks - Rail defects
Class 5 thin flange - Rail defects
Clean emulsion marks - Rolling defects
Clogged holes - Coating defects
Clogged threads - Coating defects
Coating thickness - Coating defects
Coil breaks - Rolling defects
Coil breaks - Rolling defects
Coil cone - Rolling defects
Cold lap - Casting defects
Cold lap or cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Casting defects
Cold shut - Forging defects
Cold shut in part - Casting defects
Color aberration - Rolling defects
Color of chips - Fractography
Color of chips - Polishing defects
Colour difference - Coating defects
Comet tails - Polishing defects
Common defects during application, drying and curing - Coating defects
Common defects during paint storage - Coating defects
Common defects during service life - Coating defects
Comparison between leaded and unleaded free machining steel - Rolling defects
Composite radiant tube - Corrosion defects
Concave geometry of solidified shell - Slab defects
Configuration of lustrous carbon test casting - Casting defects
Contamination - Polishing defects
Continuous casting process showing phenomena in the mold - Slab defects
Contour mapping - Coating defects
Copper mold wall contamination - Slab defects
Copper segregation - Slab defects
Core breakage - Casting defects
Core breakage - Defects in patterns related to the use of ceramic, etc. - Other defects
Core pin - Tool steel defects
Core segregation - Slab defects
Corner cracks - Slab defects
Corner cracks - Slab defects
Corroded steel bar - Corrosion defects
Corrosion - Drawing defects
Corrosion at the steel–medium interface - Corrosion defects
Corrosion in steel wires of a cable strand - Corrosion defects
Corrosion of reinforced concrete pilings - Corrosion defects
Corrosion test - Corrosion defects
Crack - Casting defects
Crack - Casting defects
Crack - Casting defects
Crack - Coating defects
Crack - Drawing defects
Crack - Heat treatment defects
Crack - Polishing defects
Crack - Roll defects
Crack - Slab defects
Crack failure analysis of stainless steel seamless pipe - Fractography
Crack in PM steel - Tool steel defects
Crack region at the centre of ingot - Ingot defects
Cracking - Defects in soluble cores - Other defects
Cracking - Drawing defects
Cracking - Forging defects
Cracking - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Cracking of pallet side walls at a sinter plant - Fractography
Cracks - Bearing defects
Cracks - Casting defects
Cracks - Forging defects
Cracks - Heat treatment defects
Cracks or tears - Casting defects
Crankshaft - Fractography
Cratering/fish eyes - Coating defects
Craters in the undercoat - Coating defects
Crazing - Rolling defects
Cross section of the running surface - Rail defects
Cut-off damage - Casting defects
Damage strip edges - Rolling defects
Damaged strip edges - Rolling defects
Dark staining adjacent to welds - Coating defects
Deep drawing defects - Drawing defects
Defect by Excessive Burrs - Machining defects
Defect by chatter - Machining defects
Defect in pipeline steel - Rolling defects
Defect on continuous cast materials - Slab defects
Defective surface - Casting defects
Defects by chip formation - Machining defects
Defects by chipping - Machining defects
Defects by the built-up edge - Machining defects
Defects caused by heat treatment - Casting defects
Defects caused by heat treatment - Casting defects
Defects caused by heat treatment - Casting defects
Defects caused by heat treatment - Casting defects
Defects caused by heat treatment - Casting defects
Defects caused by heat treatment - Casting defects
Defects in work roll bearing inner races - Roll defects
Defects on the inner surface of T91 steel tube - Corrosion defects
Defects using wax chills - Defects in patterns related to the use of ceramic, etc. - Other defects
Deformation - Drawing defects
Deformation - Polishing defects
Delamination - Casting defects
Dents left from the tooling after CNC milling - Machining defects
Depression defects - Slab defects
Design structures in modular lengths and optimum widths - Coating defects
Design structures in modular lengths and optimum widths - Coating defects
Die shift - Forging defects
Different gas atmospheres - Ingot defects
Dimensional variations - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Dirty - dust - Coating defects
Discolouration of the paint coating over hot dip galvanizing - Coating defects
Dislocation - Drawing defects
Disperse shrinkage porosity - Casting defects
Distortion - Casting defects
Distortion - Coating defects
Distortion - Defects in soluble cores - Other defects
Distortion - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Distortion or warp - Casting defects
Double skin - Casting defects
Double skin - Casting defects
Drag mark, sticking - Slab defects
Drainage spikes - Coating defects
Drops - Casting defects
Dross - Casting defects
Dross - Casting defects
Dross - Coating defects
Dross - Coating defects
Dull grey coating - Coating defects
Dull grey or mottled coating appearance - Coating defects
Dull wheel - Machining defects
Ears - Drawing defects
Edge and central porosity - Ingot defects
Edge cracks - Rolling defects
Edge defects - Rolling defects
Edge porosity - Ingot defects
Edge rounding - Polishing defects
Edge seam - Rolling defects
Edge seam defect - Slab defects
Edge seam defects - Slab defects
Embedded abrasive - Polishing defects
Emulsion marks - Rolling defects
Emulsion marks - Rolling defects
Entrapped air - Casting defects
Entrapped air - Casting defects
Erosion - Tool steel defects
Etch spotting - Casting defects
Etching cracks in rolling element bearings - Bearing defects
Examination of tyred wheels in service - Rail defects
Example of a successful polishing treatment - Polishing defects
Excess aluinium galvanizing bath - Coating defects
Excess metal - Casting defects
Excessive convexity - Welding defects
Excessive convexity - Welding defects
Excessive weld reinforcement - Welding defects
External wheel damage - Rail defects
Extraneous matter rolled-in - Rolling defects
Face chipping - Tool steel defects
Facets - Machining defects
Fading - Coating defects
Failed camshafts - Fractography
Failed crankshaft refurbishment - Fractography
Failed passenger vehicle driveshaft - Fractography
Failed sample of the hot extruded steel - Forging defects
Failed spring - Fractography
Failure Analysis of Fire Suppression System Water Pipe - Corrosion defects
Failure Analysis of a Helical Gear in a Gearbox - Fractography
Failure analysis of 316L stainless steel corrugated pipe - Corrosion defects
Failure analysis of a hardened and tempered structural steel - Fractography
Failure of a crane hook - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of a femoral stem in a total hip prosthesis device - Fractography
Failure of a powder metal gear box synchronizer ring - Fractography
Failure of a wire rope - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of a work roll of a thin strip rolling mill - Roll defects
Failure of an arm pin of a boom placer or reach stacker - Fractography
Failure of boiler tube of a thermal power station - Fractography
Failure of bolts of flapjack mounting bracket of an aircraft - Fractography
Failure of breech block of light machine gun - Fractography
Failure of chain links while lifting loads - Fractography
Failure of combustion chamber outer casing of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of compressor rotor blades of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of connecting rods - Fractography
Failure of control lever of fuel-metering unit of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of cutting tools - Machining defects
Failure of dissimilar metal welds (dmw) in steam-cooled boiler tubes - Fractography
Failure of drill rods for mining - Fractography
Failure of exhaust outer cone of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of fin mounting nuts - Fractography
Failure of firing pin of 120 mm low range mortar - Fractography
Failure of grinding roll of a bowl mill - Fractography
Failure of hip-joint prosthesis - Fractography
Failure of mounting bolt of emergency changeover valve - Fractography
Failure of north-sea ferry engine bolts - Fractography
Failure of omega crane hoist wire rope - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of power harrow input shaft - Fractography
Failure of power input shaft on a cement mill - Fractography
Failure of rock breaker chisel at site - Fractography
Failure of sealing rings of centrifugal breather of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of shaft of a gearbox - Fractography
Failure of steam pipe in unit-VI of a thermal power station - Fractography
Failure of track pins of track link - Fractography
Failure of track shoe of an infantry combat vehicle - Fractography
Failure of truck-mounted crane - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of vehicle fuel rail - Fractography
Failure of wheel hub of an aircraft - Fractography
Faint-sliver - Rolling defects
False porosity - Polishing defects
Fatigue cracks - Rail defects
Fatigue cracks - Rail defects
Fatigue failure of gear - Fractography
Fatigue fracture - Rail defects
Feather - Rolling defects
Feather after SPM - Rolling defects
Finning - Casting defects
Fish scale crack - Drawing defects
Fishbone diagram - Heat treatment defects
Flakes - Forging defects
Flakes - Forging defects
Flakes - Roll defects
Flakes or fish-eyes - Forging defects
Flaking - Coating defects
Flaking or delamination of coating - Coating defects
Flash - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Flash using cores - Defects in patterns related to the use of ceramic, etc. - Other defects
Flashes - Casting defects
Flashing - Coating defects
Flat coil - Rolling defects
Flow lines/Knit lines - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Flush - Defects in soluble cores - Other defects
Flux stains deposits and inclusions - Coating defects
Flying wing - Rolling defects
Fold - Rolling defects
Fold over - Drawing defects
Folded strip edges - Rolling defects
Foreign metal particles - Drawing defects
Forging burst - Forging defects
Forging crack - Forging defects
Forging cracks - Forging defects
Forging lap - Forging defects
Fracture of a car’s drive shaft - Fractography
Fracture of a tyre starting from a service weld - Rail defects
Fracture of a tyre starting from corrosion pits in the bore - Rail defects
Fracture of railroad rail - Rail defects
Fracture of railroad rail - Rail defects
Fractured wheel - Rail defects
Freckle - Ingot defect
Fretting corrosion bands - Bearing defects
Fusion - Casting defects
Galling - Tool steel defects
Galling - Tool steel defects
Gaps - Polishing defects
Gas - Casting defects
Gas cavities - Casting defects
Gas holes - Casting defects
Gas porosity - Casting defects
Gas porosity - Casting defects
Gas porosity - Casting defects
Gas porosity - Casting defects
Gear macro segregation - Ingot defects
Ghost lines - Ingot defects
Gloss difference - Coating defects
Graining - Defects in soluble cores - Other defects
Graining - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Grinding - Rail defects
Grinding burn - Machining defects
Grinding burn - Tool steel defects
Grinding cracks - Machining defects
Grinding cracks - Other defects
Grinding damage - Casting defects
Grinding marks - Rolling defects
Grinding train - Rail defects
Groove defect, excessive degradation, tunnel defect - Welding defects
Gross cracks - Tool steel defects
Haloes - Coating defects
Handling damage - Casting defects
Haze - Coating defects
Head cracks - Rail defects
Heat affected zone crack - Welding defects
Heat checking - Tool steel defects
Heat checking - Tool steel defects
Heat checking and chipping - Tool steel defects
Heat checking damage - Tool steel defects
Heat checking test - Tool steel defects
Heat crack test - Fractography
Heat exchanger tube - Fractography
Heavy pipe - Slab defects
High flanges - Rail defects
Hollow tread - Rail defects
Hook - Slab defects
Hook crack - Welding defects
Hooks - Slab defects
Hot etched bloom longitudinal sections - Slab defects
Hot forging cracks in X90CrMoV18 steel discs - Forging defects
Hot spots - Rail defects
Hot tear - Casting defects
Hot tear - Casting defects
Hot tear - Casting defects
Hot tear - Ingot defect
Hot tear defects - Casting defects
Hot tearing - Casting defects
Hot tears - Casting defects
Hot tears - Casting defects
Hot tears - Casting defects
Hot tears in part - Casting defects
Hot tears, cold cracks - Casting defects
Hydrogen flakes - Ingot defects
Hydrogen-induced cracking - Other defects
Hydrogen-induced delayed cracking - Welding defects
Impurity - Drawing defects
Incipient melting at the grain boundaries - Forging defects
Inclusion defect - Casting defects
Inclusions - Casting defects
Inclusions - Forging defects
Incomplete burn-out - Casting defects
Incomplete fusion - Welding defects
Incomplete penetration & excessive penetration - Welding defects
Ingot cracks - Ingot defects
Ingot head formation - Ingot defect
Ingot with good surface quality - Ingot defects
Ingot with good surface quality - Ingot defects
Insufficient pickling - Rolling defects
Inter columnar crack - Slab defects
Inter-dendritic crack in continuous casting slab - Slab defects
Intermediate cracks - Slab defects
Internal and central cracks - Slab defects
Internal defects - Slab defects
Internal quality - Slab defects
Iron beans - Casting defects
Irregular Shells - Rolling defects
Irregularly distributed short, comma-shaped scratches - Machining defects
Lamination - Casting defects
Landscape pattern - Rolling defects
Lapping tracks - Polishing defects
Laps - Rolling defects
Laps and folds - Forging defects
Large non-metallic inclusions - Welding defects
Large voids - Slab defects
Layer of lustrous carbon bonded sand - Casting defects
Leaker - Casting defects
Lightning arrester pole - Fractography
Load breakage - Tool steel defects
Location of limiting dimensions - Rail defects
Location of limiting dimensions - Rail defects
Longitudinal and oblique cracks, corroded steel rebars on Jarry wharf - Corrosion defects
Longitudinal corner cracks - Slab defects
Longitudinal crack repairing - Slab defects
Longitudinal crack, transverse crack, blowholes and scabs, star crack - Slab defects
Longitudinal cracking - Slab defects
Longitudinal cracks - Rolling defects
Longitudinal cracks - Slab defects
Longitudinal cracks - Slab defects
Longitudinal cross section - Rail defects
Longitudinal facial crack (LFC) - Slab defects
Longitudinal surface cracks - Slab defects
Loose coils - Rolling defects
Lumps - Casting defects
Lustrous carbon films - Casting defects
Luders bands - Drawing defects
M-defects - Rolling defects
M35-1 valve - Casting defects
Macro and micro inclusion tests - Slab defects
Macro segregation - Rolling defects
Macro-segregation - Ingot defects
Macroetching samples bloom – billet – bar - Slab defects
Macroetching samples bloom – billet – bar - Slab defects
Macrographs of bloom cross section - Slab defects
Macroinclusion - Rolling defects
Macrostructure - Ingot defects
Macrostructure of 1000-ton ingot - Ingot defects
Macrostructures - Slab defects
Mannesmann effect - Rolling defects
Manufacturing defect - Fractography
Manufacturing defects - Rail defects
Massive ruptures - Rolling defects
Mechanical damage - Coating defects
Mechanical damage - Drawing defects
Mechanical indentations - Slab defects
Metal penetration - Casting defects
Metal penetration - Casting defects
Metallic impurities - Coating defects
Metallic paint clouding - Coating defects
Micro cracking - Rolling defects
Mid-face panel crack - Ingot defects
Misaligned brake gear - Rail defects
Mismatch - Casting defects
Mismatch - Casting defects
Mismatch - Casting defects
Mismatches - Casting defects
Misrun - Casting defects
Misrun in part - Casting defects
Mold surfaces of the molds - Tool steel defects
Most common defects of tools - Forging defects
Most often production defects - Bearing defects
Mothball defects - Other defects
Mould or core gasses - Casting defects
Mould or core gasses - Casting defects
NDT techniques for the rail industry - Rail defects
Network cracks - Slab defects
Network cracks - Slab defects
Newly grinded rails - Rail defects
Non fill - Casting defects
Non-fill - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Non-fill using cores - Defects in patterns related to the use of ceramic, etc. - Other defects
Non-metallic inclusion - Casting defects
Non-metallic inclusions - Slab defects
Off-corner panel cracks - Ingot defects
Oil coating odd - Rolling defects
Oil stain - Rolling defects
Orange peel - Casting defects
Orange peel - Casting defects
Orange peel - Casting defects
Orange peel - Casting defects
Orange peel - Coating defects
Orange peel - Coating defects
Orange peel - Slab defects
Orange peel effect - Drawing defects
Organic material is pressed into the strip - Coating defects
Oscillation marks - Slab defects
Oscillation marks - Slab defects
Oscillation marks on the surface - Slab defects
Oscillation marks, hook - Slab defects
Other defect - Slab defects
Out of round wheels - Rail defects
Outside tower - Rolling defects
Over pickled - Rolling defects
Overblast - Casting defects
Overcooling - Slab defects
Overheated material - Heat treatment defects
Overheated wheels - Rail defects
Overheated wheels - Rail defects
Overlap - Welding defects
Overspray - Coating defects
Oxidation test - Corrosion defects
Oxide - Casting defects
Oxide and slag inclusions, nonmetallic inclusions - Casting defects
Oxide and slag inclusions, nonmetallic inclusions - Casting defects
Oxide film - Slab defects
Oxide lines - Coating defects
Oxygen activity in the ladle on ingot-surface blowholes of rimmed steel - Ingot defects
Oxygen activity in the ladle on ingot-surface blowholes of rimmed steel II - Ingot defects
Peeling - flaking - Coating defects
Peeling defect - Rolling defects
Pencil-point shaped fracture - Fractography
Penetration - Casting defects
Penetration of base slab by liquid metal - Other defects
Periodic bloom surface defect - Slab defects
Permanent brake block overhang - Rail defects
Permanent brake block overhang - Rail defects
Pickling stains - Rolling defects
Pimples or blisters - Coating defects
Pin holes - Slab defects
Pin holes - Slab defects
Pin holing - Coating defects
Pinch-roll cracks - Slab defects
Pinholes - Casting defects
Pinholes/porosity - Slab defects
Pinholes/porosity - Slab defects
Pipeline failure - Fractography
Piston assemblies - Fractography
Pitted surface - Roll defects
Pitting - Casting defects
Pitting - Rolling defects
Polishing marks - Coating defects
Polishing of plastic mould steels - Polishing defects
Poor scarfing - Slab defects
Popping - Coating defects
Pores - Rolling defects
Pores in PM steel - Tool steel defects
Pores in an austenitic stainless steel weld - Welding defects
Pores in the filler - Coating defects
Porosity - Ingot defects
Porosity - Welding defects
Porosity - Welding defects
Porosity defects, short pours, surface voids - Casting defects
Porous areas - Ingot defects
Precision forging defects - Forging defects
Primary grain boundary fracture - Casting defects
Prime coat lift - Casting defects
Puddling - Coating defects
Pull-outs - Polishing defects
Punching tests - Tool steel defects
Quench cracking - Heat treatment defects
Quick reference tables of wheel defects and actions - Rail defects
RCF damage on a rail section - Rail defects
Racks - Drawing defects
Rail defects
Rail defects (14) - Rail defects
Rat tails - Casting defects
Rat-tailing - Casting defects
Raw material defect in torsion bar - Fractography
Re-hardened layer - Machining defects
Reactive and non - reactive steels, welded togethers - Coating defects
Reheating problematic with thick blooms - Slab defects
Relief - Polishing defects
Removal of zinc coating by excessive cleaning - Coating defects
Removing of original coatings - Coating defects
Repair welding and grinding - Rail defects
Residual stress in forgings - Forging defects
Rhomboidal cross-section and off-corner cracks - Slab defects
Ridge-buckle defect - Rolling defects
Ridges - Drawing defects
Ripple marks - Ingot defects
Ripple marks - Slab defects
Roll degradation - Roll defects
Roll marks - Drawing defects
Roll marks - Roll defects
Roll marks - Rolling defects
Rolled in scale - Rolling defect
Rolled metal particles - Drawing defects
Rolled-in defect - Rail defects
Rolled-inscale - Rolling defects
Rolling contact fatigue - Rail defects
Rolling contact fatigue - Rail defects
Rolling defects
Rolling defects in steels - Coating defects
Rolling dust - Rolling defects
Rolling ingot defect chart - Ingot defects
Rough coatings, caused by steel surface conditions - Coating defects
Rough edges - Rolling defects
Rough heavy coatings - Coating defects
Rough heavy coatings caused by insufficient centrifuging - Coating defects
Running - Coating defects
Running surface - Rail defects
Runout - Casting defects
Runs - Coating defects
Runs, drainage spikes and puddling - Coating defects
Rust - Corrosion defects
Rust - Rolling defects
Rust after SPM - Rolling defects
Rust bleeding - Coating defects
Rust tables - Coating defects
Rusted surface - Roll defects
Rusting - Coating defects
Sagging - Coating defects
Sagging - Coating defects
Sampling method - Slab defects
Sand inclusion - Casting defects
Sand inclusion - Casting defects
Sand inclusions - Casting defects
Sand inclusions - Casting defects
Sand traps - Casting defects
Sand traps - Casting defects
Sanding marks - Coating defects
Saponification - Coating defects
Scab block - Casting defects
Scab block - Casting defects
Scab-like defect - Rolling defects
Scabs - Rolling defects
Scale pits - Forging defects
Scarfed surface - Slab defects
Scars - Drawing defects
Scars - Rolling defects
Scars, holes, bubbles, inclusions, iron oxide scale, roll printing, edge cracking, scratches, scrapes - Rolling defects
Schematic of sampling to observe hooks - Slab defects
Scratches - Drawing defects
Scratches - Polishing defects
Scratches on the rolled surface - Rolling defects
Scratches, grooves and gouges - Rolling defects
Scum eye - Casting defects
Seam defect - Rolling defects
Seam flaw - Rolling defects
Seams - Drawing defects
Seams - Rolling defects
Segregation - Casting defects
Segregation lines - Slab defects
Segregation spots - Slab defects
Segregations - Ingot defects
Segregations - Ingot defects
Self-locking nut - Corrosion defects
Severe corrosion at pipe support - Corrosion defects
Severe decarburization - Rolling defects
Severe pitting on above-grade riser - Corrosion defects
Severe surface wrinkling - Casting defects
Severely corroded flange bolt - Corrosion defects
Sheared edge defect - Rolling defects
Sheared edge defects - Rolling defects
Shearing - Forging defects
Shelling due to excessive loading - Rail defects
Shiny band - Rail defects
Short flange - Rail defects
Shot defect - Casting defects
Shrink - gate - Casting defects
Shrink - internal - Casting defects
Shrink - surface - Casting defects
Shrinkage - Ingot defects
Shrinkage - Ingot defects
Shrinkage - Casting defects
Shrinkage - Casting defects
Shrinkage - Casting defects
Shrinkage cavities - Casting defects
Shrinkage cavities - Casting defects
Shrinkage cavity - Casting defects
Shrinkage cavity - Casting defects
Shrinkage hole - Casting defects
Shrinkage hole - Casting defects
Shrinkage hole - Casting defects
Shrinkage hole - Casting defects
Shrinkage porosity - Casting defects
Shrinkage porosity - Casting defects
Shrinkage porosity - Casting defects
Shrinkage porosity - Casting defects
Shrinkage voids - Casting defects
Silicon streaks - Rolling defects
Silver, crack, needle-like defect - Rolling defects
Sink - Casting defects
Sink, cavitation, shrink - Defects in soluble cores - Other defects
Sink, cavitation, shrink - Wax Pattern defects - Other defects
Sinks - Casting defects
Sinks - Casting defects
Slab defects
Slab flaws - Slab defects
Slag - Casting defects
Slag inclusions - Casting defects
Slag phase - Slab defects
Slag spots - Slab defects
Slags - Ingot defects
Sliver - Rolling defect
Sliver - Rolling defects
Sliver - Rolling defects
Slivers - Rolling defects
Slivers and cracks - Rolling defects
Slurry leakage - Casting defects
Smearing - Polishing defects
Soldering - Casting defects
Soldering - Casting defects
Soldering damage on a core pin - Tool steel defects
Solid skin of a small ingot - Ingot defects
Solidification structure - Ingot defects
Spall - Casting defects
Spalling or shelled tread - Rail defects
Spangled coatings - Coating defects
Spatter - Welding defects
Spirals, diagonal marks - Machining defects
Splashing defect - Coating defects
Split end
Split end - Rolling defects
Split end - Rolling defects
Split layer - Rolling defects
Split strip edges - Rolling defects
Spray dust - Coating defects
Squat - Rail defects
Squats - Rail defects
Staining - Polishing defects
Stains caused by weeping - Coating defects
Standard wheel terminology - Rail defects
Star crack - Slab defects
Star-cracking - Rail defects
Starting area of forging burst - Forging defects
Steckel mill scale - Rolling defect
Steel plate bending - Rolling defects
Steel tempering colours for carbon steel - Other defects
Steep flanges - Rail defects
Stirring intensity - Slab defects
Stoma - Casting defects
Stone impacts - Coating defects
Stop page marks - Rolling defects
Streaks - Coating defects
Striations/ fish boning - Coating defects
Strip folds - Rolling defects
Stuck shot - Casting defects
Sub surface fatigue - Rail defects
Sub surface gas porosity - Welding defects
Sub-surface structure beneath a bloom depression - Periodic bloom surface defect - Slab defects
Subsurface ladle slag inclusions - Rolling defects
Sulfide-type inclusion - Rolling defects
Sulphur print of 5t ingot - Ingot defects
Sulphur print of a 71-ton vacuum-cast Ni-Mo-V steel ingo - Ingot defects
Sulphur print of tyre section showing a bad patch of ingot scum - Rail defects
Support roller imprints - Rolling defects
Surface blotch - Rolling defects
Surface comparison - Polishing defects
Surface crack - Drawing defects
Surface crack of continuous casted slab - Rolling defects
Surface cracking - Slab defects
Surface cracks - Slab defects
Surface cracks and blowholes - Rolling defects
Surface defect - Drawing defects
Surface defect evolution in hot rolling - Rolling defects
Surface defects - Slab defect
Surface defects - Slab defects
Surface defects during laser polishing of tool steel - Polishing defects
Surface discoloration - Machining defects
Surface fatigue cracks - Forging defects
Surface flaw on drawn wire - Drawing defects
Surface lamination on disc brake - Casting defects
Surface layer - Slab defects
Surface of billets with and without EMC - Slab defects
Surface pitting - Casting defects
Surface pockmarking on steel casting - Casting defects
Surface scratch - Drawing defects
Surface scratches - Drawing defects
Surface wrinkles in oil pan which leaked - Casting defects
Surface wrinkles on pully hub - Casting defects
Surface wrinkling - Casting defects
Surface wrinkling on lost foam truck transmission part - Casting defects
Surface-breaking defects - Rail defects
Swells - Casting defects
Tear - Casting defects
Tear - Casting defects
Tear - Casting defects
Tearing - Other defects
Telehandler accident - Fractography
Telescopic front fork - Fractography
Temper colors of 0.95% carbon steel - Other defects
Temporary brake block overhang - Rail defects
Temporary brake block overhang - Rail defects
Tensions & hot crack forming during bending & unbending - Slab defects
The back up roll marks - Rolling defects
The edge is fleshy and short of meat - Rolling defects
Thermal cracking - Rail defects
Thermal cracks - Rail defects
Thermal cracks and spalling - Rail defects
Thermal defect - Casting defects
Thermal expansion corner cracking - Slab defects
Thermal fatigue - Casting defects
Thermal fatigue cracking - Tool steel defects
Thermal fatigue cracks - Roll defects
Thin flanges - Rail defects
Thread pattern - Machining defects
Tiger skin surface defect on an IC work roll - Rolling defects
Tightly adherent lumps of zinc on the inside of heavy walled steel piping - Coating defects
Toe crack, porosity, slag, hot (solidification) cracks, undercut, hot tears, lack of fusion, micro-fissures, root crack, underbead cracking, lamellar tears - Welding defects
Tong mark defect - Rolling defects
Totally cracked die - Tool steel defects
Touch marks - Coating defects
Trachoma - Casting defects
Transverse corner cracks - Slab defects
Transverse corner cracks - Slab defects
Transverse crack - Slab defects
Transverse crack, oscillation marks - Slab defects
Transverse cracking - Rail defects
Transverse cracking - Slab defects
Transverse cracks - Rolling defects
Transverse cracks - Slab defects
Transverse cracks - Slab defects
Transverse cross section - Rail defects
Transverse depression defects - Slab defects
Transverse hot tearing - Slab defects
Typical spangled hot dip galvanizing coating - Coating defects
Typical die failures - Tool steel defects
Typical surface line defect on automotive panel - Rolling defects
Tyre showing rolled-in scrap in the snip - Rail defects
Tyres showing cracked back - Rail defects
Unacceptable weld profiles - Welding defects
Uncoated surfaces caused by steel surface contaminants or entrapped air - Coating defects
Under pickled - Rolling defects
Under- and over-cooling - Slab defects
Undercut - Welding defects
Underfill - Welding defects
Underfills - Forging defects
Underside of corroded composite bridge deck - Corrosion defects
Uneven drainage - Coating defects
Uneven surface appearance - Drawing defects
Ungalvanized area in the vicinity of a weld - Coating defects
Ungalvanized surfaces caused by scale or sand - Coating defects
Unusual shelling failure - Rail defects
Use conventional fixing methods such as bolts and nuts - Coating defects
V-groove defect - Rolling defects
V-segregates - Slab defects
Valve body crack - Casting defects
Variation in electromagnetic coupling - Heat treatment defects
Various holes - Heat treatment defects
Various holes - Heat treatment defects
Varying surface finish on a single surface - Machining defects
Veining, swells, penetration defect - Casting defects
Visible cracks on the surface - Rail defects
Voids - Forging defects
Voids - Slab defects
WEL bands - Rail defects
WEL patches - Rail defects
Warpage - Casting defects
Warping - Rolling defects
Water marking and spotting - Coating defects
Water pipeline failure - Corrosion defects
Waves - Rolling defects
Wax drip - Casting defects
Wear - Rail defects
Wear - Tool steel defects
Wear - Tool steel defects
Wear defects - Tool steel defects
Wear defects - Tool steel defects
Wear of a casting roll (Premature inter-bead corrosion) - Roll defects
Wear, chipping, plastic deformation, cracking/total failure, galling - Tool steel defects
Weld etching - Welding defects
Weld failure on a loader boom arm - Fractography
Weld failure on a telescopic handler - Fractography
Weld repairs of wheel skids - Rail defects
Weld spatter - Coating defects
Weld spots - Rail defects
Wet storage stains and white rust - Coating defects
Wheel and rail surface condition after fatigue test - Rail defects
Wheel tread profile remachining - Rail defects
White band - Slab defects
White layer - Rail defects
Wood grain - Rolling defects
Worn R200 rail - Rail defects
Worn R350HT rail - Rail defects
Worn R350HT rail - Rail defects
Worn R350HT rail - Rail defects
Worn surface - Tool steel defects
Wrinkles on automotive brake caliper - Casting defects
Wrinkling - Coating defects
Wrinkling - Coating defects
Wrinkling defect - Other defects
Wrinkling defects - Casting defects
Wrinkling, earring, fracture, tearing - Drawing defects
Zinc metal sprayed repair - Coating defects
Zinc splatter - Coating defects