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316 Stainless steel crept in air at 685 °C (1265 °F) at a load of 123 MPa (17.9 ksi). Time to rupture 710 h - Fractography
316 Stainless steel crept in air at 770 °C (1420 °F) at a load of 62 MPa (8.95 ksi). Time to rupture 808 h - Fractography
316 Stainless steel crept in air at 800 °C (1470 °F) at a load of 103 MPa (15 ksi). Time to rupture 808 h - Fractography
316L Stainless steel crept in air at 800 °C (1470 °F) at a load of 53 MPa (7.7 ksi). Time to rupture 839 h - Fractography
4375 part failed due to over-austenitization - Fractography
700 F embrittlement in mod. 329 duplex stainless steel after 1000 h - Fractography
A quench crack promoted by the presence of a deep, sharp stamp mark in a die made of AISI S7 tool steel - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
A2 stamping die – broke due to unintentional carburization - Fractography
AISI 06 graphitic tool steel punch machined from centerless-ground bar stock that cracked after limited service - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI 4150 alloy steel chuck jaw that broke because of the presence of a brittle white-etching nitride surface layer - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI D2 powder metallurgy die component that melted and deformed because of flame impingement during heat treatment - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI H13 mandrel used to pierce and extrude brass that failed after 298 pushes, about 30% of its expected life - Fractography
AISI M2 roughing tool that cracked just after heat treatment - Heat treatmnet defects - Fractography
AISI Ol tool steel die that cracked during oil quenching - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI Ol tool steel ring forging that cracked during quenching - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI P20 mold made from prehardened stock that was carburized and rehardened - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI S5 tool steel hammer head that cracked during heat treatment - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI S7 punch that had a low surface hardness after heat treatment and was given a second carburizing treatment, then rehardened - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI W1 piston - Fractography
AISI W2 carbon tool steel (1.05% C) component that cracked during quenching due to the presence of soft spots (arrows) on the surface - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
AISI W2 cold heading die - Fractography
AISI Wl tool steel concrete roughers that failed after short service - Fractography
ASTM A 490 high-strength bolts - Fractography
Boring tool - Tool steels - Fractography
Boyd’s model for chevron cracks - Fractography
Brittle (top) and ductile (bottom) fractures - Fractography
Brittle fracture - Charpy V notch specimen - Fractography
Brittle fracture in tension - Fractography
Brittle fracture initiated by fatigue - Fractography
Brittle fracture of Fe –2.2% Si slab - Fractography
Brittle fracture of a railroad rail - Fractography
Broken wheel bolt - Fractography
Burst failures - Fractography
Carbon tool steel dies - Tool steels - Fractography
Cause analysis of cracking and leakage of T91 steel tube - Fractography
Cavitation damage I - Fractography
Cavitation damage II - Fractography
Centrifugal impeller - Fractography
Charpy V-Notch series to evaluate the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature - Fractography
Chevron crack in 4615 modified ball stud due to segregation during extrusion - Fractography
Circular spall in hardened steel roll - Fractography
Cleavage fracture in carbon steel - Fractography
Cleavage fracture of Fe - 2.5% Si - Fractography
Cleavage fracture of Fe-2.5% Si steel - Fractography
Cleavage in Fe - 2.5% Si - Fractography
Coil spring made from AISI H12 tool steel that cracked after heat treatment - Fractography
Color of chips - Fractography
Crack failure analysis of stainless steel seamless pipe - Fractography
Cracking of pallet side walls at a sinter plant - Fractography
Crankshaft - Fractography
Deficiency in the original design failure of a steam turbine - Fractography
Design overload - Die - Tool steels - Fractography
Die and punch - Tool steels - Fractography
Die cracked in heat-treatment - Tool steels - Fractography
Die failure caused by severe wear - Fractography
Die made from AISI Ol tool steel that was found to be cracked after heat treatment - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Die made of high-carbon - Tool steels - Fractography
Die made of high-speed steel - Tool steels - Fractography
Direct and indirect views of a brittle fracture - Fractography
Ductile fracture - 'Popsac' vessel - Fractography
Ductile fracture - Charpy V notch specimen - Fractography
Ductile fracture - Fractography
Ductile fracture - Microvoid coalescence - Fractography
Ductile fracture in tension - Fractography
Effect of stress raisers on stress concentration and distribution of stress - Fractography
Erosion damage from the bore to just below the outside-diameter surface of an AISI HI3 nozzle from a zinc die-casting die - Fractography
Examples of the microstructure of AISI M2 high-speed steel - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Excessive quenching-stress - Tool steels - Fractography
Excessive stress - Tool steels - Fractography
Exfoliation corrosion - Fractography
Extensive segregation - Fractography
Failed AISI H26 exhaust-valve punch - Fractography
Failed AISI S7 jewelry striking die - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Failed camshafts - Fractography
Failed cast HH stainless steel furnace hook due sigma phase embrittlement - Fractography
Failed crankshaft refurbishment - Fractography
Failed over-austenitized A2 rotary knife - Fractography
Failed passenger vehicle driveshaft - Fractography
Failed spring - Fractography
Failure Analysis of a Helical Gear in a Gearbox - Fractography
Failure analysis of a hardened and tempered structural steel - Fractography
Failure caused by a forging lap in a sledge-hammer head - Forging defects - Fractography
Failure caused by improper quenching - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Failure due to a band of carbides - Fractography
Failure of a Hip posthesis - Fractography
Failure of a crane hook - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of a femoral stem in a total hip prosthesis device - Fractography
Failure of a piston in a marine engine - Fractography
Failure of a powder metal gear box synchronizer ring - Fractography
Failure of a steam turbine - Fractography
Failure of a wire rope - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of an arm pin of a boom placer or reach stacker - Fractography
Failure of boiler tube of a thermal power station - Fractography
Failure of bolts in a radar antenna system reflector joint - Fractography
Failure of bolts of flapjack mounting bracket of an aircraft - Fractography
Failure of breech block of light machine gun - Fractography
Failure of chain links while lifting loads - Fractography
Failure of combustion chamber outer casing of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of compressor rotor blades of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of connecting rods - Fractography
Failure of control lever of fuel-metering unit of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of dissimilar metal welds (dmw) in steam-cooled boiler tubes - Fractography
Failure of drill rods for mining - Fractography
Failure of exhaust outer cone of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of fin mounting nuts - Fractography
Failure of firing pin of 120 mm low range mortar - Fractography
Failure of grinding roll of a bowl mill - Fractography
Failure of hip-joint prosthesis - Fractography
Failure of mounting bolt of emergency changeover valve - Fractography
Failure of north-sea ferry engine bolts - Fractography
Failure of omega crane hoist wire rope - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of power harrow input shaft - Fractography
Failure of power input shaft on a cement mill - Fractography
Failure of rock breaker chisel at site - Fractography
Failure of sealing rings of centrifugal breather of an aeroengine - Fractography
Failure of shaft of a gearbox - Fractography
Failure of steam pipe in unit-VI of a thermal power station - Fractography
Failure of track pins of track link - Fractography
Failure of track shoe of an infantry combat vehicle - Fractography
Failure of truck-mounted crane - Fractography - Fractography
Failure of vehicle fuel rail - Fractography
Failure of wheel hub of an aircraft - Fractography
Fatigue Pre-Crack and ductile fracture of 304 austenitic stainless steel CVN specimen - Fractography
Fatigue Pre-Crack and ductile fracture of a carbon steel CVN specimen - Fractography
Fatigue crack - Fractography
Fatigue crack in 304 stainless steel - Fractography
Fatigue crack in 304 stainless steel - Fractography
Fatigue crack in 304 stainless steel - Fractography
Fatigue crack in carbon steel - Fractography
Fatigue crack nucleation - Fractography
Fatigue cracks in 1 1/4-in.—diam hollow rock-drill steel - Tool steels - Fractography
Fatigue failure of eail at FAST - Fractography
Fatigue failure of gear - Fractography
Fatigue fractures - Fractography
Fatigue fractures and origins - Fractography
Fatigue in 316 SS - Fractography
Fatigue started at shrinkage cavity - Fractography
Fatigue striations - Fractography
Fatique striation patterns - Fractography
Feed rollers - Tool steels - Fractography
Fisheye I - Fractography
Fisheye II - Fractography
Fisheye III - Fractography
Fisheye IV - Fractography
Fisheye V - Fractography
Fixture made from AISI Ol tool steel that cracked during oil quenching - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Foreign object damage of turbine blades - Fractography
Fracture of a car’s drive shaft - Fractography
Fracture of pearlite vs. striations - Fractography
Fractured pin and gripping cam made from AISI S5 tool steel - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Fractured section of an AISI W2 die insert that cracked during rehardening - Fractography
Fretting wear - Fractography
Friction-Induced martensite at adge of cracked air-wear scrap chopper knife - Fractography
Friction-Induced martensite layer at failure of origin in 4485 medart roll - Fractography
Friction-Induced martensite layer on rail head caused spalling - Fractography
Front view of an AISI O1 tool steel die that cracked during oil quenching - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Grain boundary carbide networks caused the fracture of this carborized 1035 track wheel - Fractography
Grinding cracks caused by failure to temper a part - Machining defects - Fractography
Gripper die - Tool steels - Fractography
Header die made from AISI Wl tool steel that failed prematurely in service - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Header dies used for hot-heading of bolts - Tool steels - Fractography
Heading die - Tool steels - Fractography
Heat checked surface of failed hot work die steel after extensive service - Fractography
Heat crack test - Fractography
Heat exchanger tube - Fractography
Hydrogen blister in structural web steel - Fractography
Hydrogen embrittlement - Fractography
Hydrogen embrittlement - Fractography
Hydrogen embrittlement Failure of a rocket suspension lug - Fractography
Hydrogen flakes - Fractography
Hydrogen flakes in 4142 screw shaft - Fractography
Hydrogen flakes on 4140 alloy steel plate (flame cut) - Fractography
Improper feeding of stock - Tool steels - Fractography
Intergranular SCC in 304 stainless steel - Fractography
Intergranular fracture of Ni-base alloy - Fractography
Intergranular rinsing load fracture - Fractography
LME of 1072 axle by copper - Fractography
Laboratory test specimens - Cu induced liquid metal embrittlement - Fractography
Lack of lubrication - Fractography
Lap in 8 Lb sledge – AISI S4 tool steel - Fractography
Large brittle fracture of steel part - Fractography
Letter stamp die - Tool steels - Fractography
Lightning arrester pole - Fractography
Line spall in haedened steel roll - Fractography
Liquid-metal assisted cracking - Fractography
Localized melting at the surface of a part made from AISI M2 tool steel - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Loran tower eyebolt failure - Fractography
Macroetched (10% aqueous nitric acid) face of a cutter blade made from AISI S7 steel - Fractography
Manufacturing defect - Fractography
Metallographic section from the AISI P20 mold - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Microstructural characteristics of overheating - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Milling cutter - Tool steels - Fractography
Milling cutters - Tool steels - Fractography
Moil point made of AISI Wl tool steel that exhibited a rough, scaled surface after heat treatment - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Nut tap failures - Tool steels - Fractography
Overheated V-Nb plate steel - Fractography
Pencil-point shaped fracture - Fractography
Pipeline failure - Fractography
Piston assemblies - Fractography
Plastic mold die made from AISI S7 tool steel that was found to be cracked before use - Machining defects - Fractography
Pneumatic chisel - Tool steels - Fractography
Pneumatic chisel - Tool steels - Fractography
Pneumatic chisels - Tool steels - Fractography
Pneumatic descaling chisel - Tool steels - Fractography
Pneumatic rivet set - Tool steels - Fractography
Poor design - Tool steels - Fractography
Poor design - Tool steels - Fractography
Portion of an AISI A8 ring forging that cracked (arrows) after forging and annealing - Forging defects - Fractography
Possible combinations of mating dimple shapes resulting from different stress states - Fractography
Pre-existing forging lap - Fractography
Punch - Tool steels - Fractography
Punch made of AISI S7 tool steel that cracked during quenching - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Punch tip - Tool steels - Fractography
Quenching crack - Tool steels - Fractography
Railroad axle - Friction bearing overheat causing LME - Fractography
Raw material defect in torsion bar - Fractography
Re-Austentized regions at spalls - Fractography
Reamer failure - Tool steels - Fractography
Reversed bending fatique railroad coupling pins - Fractography
Roll shell - Tool steels - Fractography
Rotating torsional fatigue of 4320 shaft - Fractography
Runner block made from a proprietary hot-work tool steel that was used to die cast aluminum transmission case covers - Fractography
SCC failures of ASTM A325 bolts in piscataqua bridge - Fractography
SCC in 4340 in salt water - Fractography
SEM ductile fracture surface - Fractography
Shaft fatique failure - Tool steels - Fractography
Sharp corners - Tool steels - Fractography
Shear knife - Tool steels - Fractography
Ship steel drop-weight test fractures - Fractography
Sigma-Phase embrittlement of duplex stainless steel weld metal - Fractography
Soft steel washers - Tool steels - Fractography
Spalled section of hardened steel roll - Fractography
Spike-heading dies - Tool steels - Fractography
Stress corrosion cracking - Turbine blade - Fractography
Structural shear blade - Tool steels - Fractography
Telehandler accident - Fractography
Telescopic front fork - Fractography
Tensile fractures begin internally - Fractography
Tensile test fracture influenced by shrinkage cavities - Fractography
The flange edge of a roll made from AISI D2 tool steel that chipped off during its initial use - Fractography
The surface of an AISI A4 primer cup plate showing spoiling at one of the 3.2-mm (Vs-in.) diam holes made by EDM - Machining defects - Fractography
Thermal fatigue cracks in new die steels - Fractography
Thermally embrittlement Co-Free Vasco T-250 maraging steel I - Fractography
Thermally embrittlement Co-Free Vasco T-250 maraging steel II - Fractography
Thread chaser - Tool steels - Fractography
Threaded part made from AISI W2 tool steel that cracked during quenching at an undercut at the base of the threads - Heat treatment defects - Fractography
Torsional fatigue fracture in 51b60 railroad spring - Fractography
Transgranular and intergranular crack propagation - Fractography
Two AISI A6 tool steelvparts that shattered during finish (abusive) grinding - Machining defects - Fractography
Two shear knives made from AISI H13 tool steel - Fractography
Two views of an AISI S1 tool steel cutter die that cracked and spoiled after regrinding - Machining defects - Fractography
Undirectional bending fatique in bolt - Fractography
Unintentional carburization caused this S7 plastic mold die to fail - Fractography
Unsuccessful weld repair of the die - Tool steels - Fractography
Unusual intergranular fracture in Fe-Cr-Al alloy - Fractography
Wear I - Fractography
Wear II - Fractography
Weld failure on a loader boom arm - Fractography
Weld failure on a telescopic handler - Fractography
Weld overlay showing signs of two-body wear - Fractography
X-60 line pipe - Pipeline defects - Fractography