Company Data
Fairfield Imaging Limited
10 Lonsdale Gardens
Tunbridge Wells
Kent, TN1 1NU
Tel: +44 (0)1892 539588
Fax: +44 (0)1892 539488
Email  Website
Fairfield is a scientific software house and a resource provider for computer-based visualisation, particularly in microscopy and telepathology. Our main market areas are in routine laboratory medicine and in bio-medical research. Products: Micro Vision II image analysis systems for Unix workstation, Imaris image analysis systems for Silicon Graphic Workstaions, 3D analysis, deconvolution software.

Switzerland , Germany, Austria, Bitplane A.G., Zurich
Tel: +41 1 445 1540, Fax: +41 1 445 1541 Email  
Netherlands, Scientific Volume Imaging, Hilversum
Tel: 035 859 405 Fax: 035 837 971 Email  

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