Microcosm, Inc.
9140 Guilford Road, Suite O
Columbia, MD 21046
Tel: (301) 725 - 2775
Fax (301) 725-2941
We provide integrated hardware and software solutions to clients from private industry and federal and state governments, especially in biomedical research, materials science, and semiconductor inspection. Products presently available comprise: Image Acquisition Systems UV Microscopes, Solid State Lasers for UV, Visible, and IR, Portable Microscopes, Optical Devices & Accessories.By merging our flexible technology products with the best products available from manufacturers like Apple, Carl Zeiss, IBM, Ludl, Melles, Griot, New Focus, Newport, Nikon, Olympus, Omega Optical, Photometrics, and Silicon Graphics, our engineers provide complete and appropriate solutions in a timely fashion, so that you can succeed in your field of endeavour.