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Glossary of Powder Coatings Terms
Materials added in powder production
to optimize powder film for certain
Sticking of the powder coating to the
work piece; Mechanical anchoring
and/or chemical connection between
powder coating and substrate surface.
Prerequisite is proper pretreatment.
Adhesive remnants
Remnants that are not removable
by pretreatment cause these surface
defects and adhesion problems.
Powder which does not adhere to the
work piece or does not get recycled, but
rather piles in the booth.
Surface treatment for aluminum, establishment
of a (colored) aluminum oxide
layer and its subsequent solidification.
Application equipment
Equipment necessary for powder application,
i.e. guns, charging equipment,
nozzles, hoses etc.
Atomized air
To support spray cloud, also to help avoid
sintering at the corona needle and
Atomizing air
Supplemental air to regulate amount of
powder in the gun, higher supplemental
air – less powder coating, smaller
powder cloud.
Powder application in connection with
automatic guns (permanently mounted
on reciprocator or robotics).
Base material
Bonding agents
Main components of powder coatings,
resins like epoxy, polyester, polyurethane
or acrylic.
Cabinet for coating (steel, stainless,
glass, plastics).
Elevations in the powder film caused by
water, salt and oil remnants etc.
Gassing of the powder itself at high
mil thickness (starting at 150 [µm] / 6
[mils]), especially with TIC-free powders
and IR ovens).
Buchholz hardness
Test procedure to measure the resistance
of powder coating surfaces
against pointed pressure demands; DIN
53 153/ISO 2815.
Burnt oil or grease on the work piece,
burnt in through welding.
Decomposition of the resin and bleaching
of the pigments through UV light
or chemical influence.
Electrostatic charging of the powder
through corona or tribo method.
Chemical resistance
Resistance of the powder coat surface
against various chemicals.
Cleaning of powder application unit
during color change. A necessary evil of
powder coating.
Coating system maintenance
Necessary regular servicing of the coating
system by the system manufacturer.
Perception transmitted by the eye, caused
by light sources and light reflexes.
Color deviation
Difference in color from original sample
to test part (color chart to work piece or
work piece I to work piece II).
Color standard
Official color charts, which represent industry
standards (RAL, Pantone).
Conveyor halt
Materials added in powder production
to optimize powder film for certain
Corona charging
See e-static.
The reaction of a metallic work piece
with its surrounding environment,
which causes measurable changes affecting
the function.
Surface defects, which reach through
the powder film to the surface.
Cratering of Hammertone effects
Through insufficient grounding, development
of star shaped voltage craters
that expose the underlying surface.
The setting up of chemical links between
the molecular chains of a resin
to form a three-dimensional network
polymer system.
Complete fusing of the powder coat.
Minimum time and temperature are required
Device to return and circulate oversprayed
powder. Always requires a final
De-ionized water rinse
Final stage of pretreatment with salt
free water (0 – 15 tds).
Development of stripes
Uneven film thickness caused by
uneven sinus curve.
Dip pretreatment
Pretreatment for parts, not suitable for
scoop shaped parts.
Mainly contributes to reduce quality of
coating (dust, fibers, shavings etc).
Distance I
Distance from gun to work piece.
Distance II
Distance between work pieces.
Dry-off oven
Oven (chamber) for drying parts after
liquid chemical pretreatment.
Duration time
Time a coated part remains in the curing
Edge deposits
Powder accumulation at the work piece
Environmental conditions
Existing climate and environmental
conditions in the coating area.
Electrostatic charging of the powder
particles in the area of corona discharge,
whose voltage is produced by the
electrode inside the gun or co conveyed
by cable.
Faraday cage
A physical phenomenon – the area of
a part where the electric field does not
Filiform corrosion
Thread like development of metal hydroxides
(not Al2O3)on aluminum surface,
shows as thin threads with sharp
edges under the powder coating.
Film (float)
Surfacing of additives in the powder
coating, example OGF additive.
Film (haze)
Undesirable haze on powder coat surface.
Film thickness
Thickness of the powder coat.
Used to separate the powder-air-mixture
(overspray) in reclaim system (plate,
pocket or cartridge filters).
Final filter (purification filter)
Final filter in the coating system for
micro particles, which are not eliminated
by the reclaim system.
Fish eyes
Same as craters.
Smoothness of the powder coat film.
Stirring of powder coating in the fluid
container or powder storage box via
pressurized air.
Fluidizing base
Air permeable sinter material in the
powder storage container. Powder is fluidized
through incoming air (0.3 – 0.5 bar).
Fresh water rinse
Rinse stage in the pretreatment system
to rinse cleaning chemicals with fresh
Friction charging
See Tribo Charging.
Galvanized zinc plating
Application of an approximately 5 – 15
[µm] / 0.2 – 0.6 [mils] layer of corrosion
protection (zinc) via electrolytical separation
of watery, acidy or alkaline zinc
Gas quality
Gas used to heat the dry-off oven and
powder curing (natural gas, city gas, butane,
propane). Heating value and blend
are of essence.
Ingredients in the substrate, which
through melting of the powder on the
surface escape (evaporation, air, gases
etc.) can cause irregularities in the
powder film.
Gel particles
Unopened resin particles in the powder
Glass point
Transition phase of the powder – gelling.
Reflection capacity of a surface, with
powder coatings ranging from glossy to
flat mat..
Ingredients in the substrate, which Surface
defects, elevations in powder film.
Contact by work piece and coating system
component with earth/ground.
Necessary for charging and application of
powder coat (Corona charging and Tribo).
Hanging devices
For suspension of work pieces during
the coating process.
Heat up speed
Time required to heat an object to required
For pretreatment and powder drying;
gas and oil, direct/indirect, electric, IR.
Hiding power
Ability of the powder, given appropriate
film thickness, to sufficiently hide the
color of the substrate.
Comp. Transport hose.
Hot dip galvanizing (H.D.G.)
Corrosion protection- application of an
approx. 30 – 80 [µm] / 1 – 3.2 [mils] thick
zinc layer by dipping at high temperatures
(approx. 400 [°C] / 752 [°F]).
Condition of the surface through uncontrollable
chemical reactions.
Development of corrosion through
moisture and salts (osmosis) between
powder coating and part.
Venturi pump for powder transportation.
Insulation of work pieces
Insufficient grounding, caused by excessive
film thickness on parts and hanging devices.
Intercoat adhesion
Adhesion between first and second
powder coat layer.
Comp. e-static.
Cured powder coating lifts from substrate
under various types of mechanical stain
(i.e. during deburring, cutting, milling).
Oils and greases used to help in gliding
during forming of profiles in the manufacturing
Clustering of powder coating in the box
due to transportation, moisture influence,
Corona charging or heat.
Material selection (powder coating)
Suitable powder coating (exterior vs. interior
coating, special effects etc) for an
Material selection (substrate)
Suitable, coatable materials (steel, aluminum,
glass) for the application.
Reduction of the gloss level, powder
coating surface appears lower in gloss
Mechanical properties
Necessary properties of the powder coating
(test according to ASTM, example:
Conical bending or impact test, Erichsen
cupping etc).
Metal shavings
Machining residues on parts (cutting,
polishing, drilling etc).
Metallic pigments
Conductive or non-conductive effect
producers in powder coatings.
Metallic powder coatings
Effect powder coatings with metallic
appearing surface (pearl, glitter, Glimmer
Color difference at varying light conditions.
Absolute moisture content in a powder
Movement of reciprocator
Spray pattern with reciprocating guns,
influenced by conveyor speed and lift.
Various end pieces on the gun (powder
bells, finger nozzles, round and flat type
(OGF = Out-gassing Forgiving) Additive
to help reduce out-gassing of the substrate
in the powder film.
Oil remnants
Remnants of oil on parts, which were
not removed by pretreatment (Lanolin,
extrusion oil etc.).
Oil residues
Residues not removed by pretreatment.
Orange peel
Short or long ripple effect on the powder
Oven types
Oven differences through construction
and heating unit, i.e. chamber oven,
conveyor oven, radiation oven, IR oven
(comparable to heating, gas quality).
Over coating
A second layer of powder is applied.
Over curing
Temperature in the curing unit is too
high, or time in the oven is too long..
Oversize particles
Powder particles that are larger than
the screen size and are separated during
Powder coat that does not adhere to
the surface during application.
Oxide layer
Corrosion residues on the work piece
Particle distribution
Distribution of powder coat particles
according to size and percentage.
Ability to coat in to the corners, recesses
and hollow areas.
Caustic, watery cleaning procedure,
which removes oxide layers, rust, ground
in dirt and foreign materials.
Picture framing effect
Higher film thickness of the powder
coating on the edges of the work piece,
caused when current is too high at the
edges, e.g. noticeable with fine textures
and metallics.
Coloring agents in the powder coating.
Elevation in the powder surface.
Pin holes
Surface defect. Development of small
pores in powder coating.
Polishing marks
Mechanical surface treatment. Can be
visible through powder coats.
Dry, dust like thermosetting coatings.
Powder adhesion
See adhesion.
Powder center
Compact device for powder transportation,
made of thread with integrated
cleaning unit.
Powder circulation
Transport of unapplied powder through
reclaim for re-use (comp. to over spray).
Powder clusters
I.e. powder puffs.
Powder dryer
Necessary device for gelling and drying of
the powder coating film(see oven types).
Powder film
Desired surface development of the gelled
powder coating.
Powder hose
Comp. To transport hose.
Powder puffs
Agglomeration of powder coat on the
coated surface.
Powder transport Device
For transport of powder coating from
storage container to gun.
Pressure points
Visible notches in the powder coat
surface, caused by too much pressure
strain, especially at high film build.
Cleaning and conversion layer development
with liquid chemicals (dipping, spraying).
Device to reclaim over spray.
Release agent 1
Sprays used in the metal fabrication industry,
to reduce the adhesion of welding
Release agent II
Liquid used for castings, to reduce the
adhesion between cast part and casting
Remnant powder 1
Contaminated powder from reclaim.
Remnant powder II
Economically not usable powder coating
in carton or warehouse.
Retracted areas
Areas unreachable with powder (i.e.
faraday cage), example: form tubing,
welded parts.
Return point
Up and down end points in automatic reciprocating
powder coating equipment.
Removal of pretreatment residues via
fresh or de-ionized water.
Running of the powder coating film
from the work piece (synonymous with
liquid paint)
During corrosion of iron or steel.
Salt residues
Unremoved residues after pretreatment.
Scratch resistance
Durability of the powder coating surface
(i.e. abrasion resistance).
Screen tear
Defective screen used to qualify powder,
oversize particles may cause flow
Screening analysis
Determination of particle size.
Screening equipment
Integrated in reclaim system to strain
powder. External straining possible (min.
mesh size approx. 200 [µm] / 8 [mils]).
Scuff resistance
Powder film resistance against abrasive
media, i.e. sand, scouring liquid, cardboard,
wood, paper.
Security standards
Security standards published by equipment
manufacturers and OSHA must be
Fine manufacturing contaminations
(metal, wood or plastic).
Short circuit
Uncontrolled (electric) contact between
high voltage and ground.
Depositing of powder in the powder
feed system, application equipment or
reclaim system.
Snowboard effect
Powder does not adhere to work piece,
slides off in sheets, drizzles off.
Additive used in plastics production.
Softening of the powder coat film
through use of solvents.
Spray wash system
Pretreatment of work piece via spray
washer(approx. 1.5 bar) mechanical cleaning
Application of powder coat to part with
spray equipment.
Continuous resistance depending on requirement,
for example against chemicals,
weather or UV influence.
Work piece, to be coated material (steel,
aluminum, stainless steel, glass, plastics,
Super fines
Spectrum of particle size distribution of
the powder coating ( 10 [µm]).
Surface defects
Damages to the surface properties of
the powder coating.
Light blasting of parts. Mechanical removal
of corrosion layer, especially for
hot dipped galvanized parts.
Surface defects, tearing/breaking during
insufficient gelling, after mechanical
Temperature curve
Elevating and dropping of substrate
temperature during the curing process.
Surface developments.
Triglycidylisocyanurate - Popular hardening
system for polyester.
Alternative hardener.
Re-formable plastics that can be reshaped
with re-heating.
Thermosetting coatings
Irreversibly fused film, not changeable
by re-heating.
Transport hose
Hose used to transport powder and air
mixture from powder container to gun.
Transportation air
Necessary air to transport air to the
powder gun. Increasing of air = increased
powder consumption.
Tribo charging
Through charging separation (PTFE –rod)
powder particles are positively charged
and transported to the part.
Use of adhesives
Large selection, check suitability before
Necessary electrical voltage for
Wall thickness
Material thickness of the work piece.
Welding points
Surface treatment. May be visible
through powder coat. Problems with
Work piece
See substrate.
Accumulation of powder on the backside
and/or edge of a work piece.
Color change caused by excessive temperatures
or time in direct fired gas
Zinc coating
Application of a corrosion protection layer
(Zn) on steel (galvanizing).
Reference: TIGER Drylac Powder Coatings, TIGER Drylac U.S.A., Inc., 2012.