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ASTM Electrolytes
Macro Etchants
Micro Etchants
Named Etchants
New Etchants
Al and Al Alloys
Cu and Cu Alloys
Fe and Fe Alloys
Ni and Ni Alloys
Carbide Etchants
Fluoride Etchants
Nitride Etchants
Other Etchants
Oxide Etchants
Phosphide Etchants
Single Crystal Etchants
Thin Film Etchants
Wafer Etchants
Polishing Problem Solver
Trouble: The centre of the specimen is deeply etched.
Possible Cause: No polishing film at center of specimen.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Increase voltage
2. Decrease agitation
3. Use more viscous electrolyte
Trouble: Pitting and etching at edge of specimen.
Possible Cause: Too viscous or thick film.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Decrease voltage
2. Increase agiation
3. Use less viscous electrolyte
Trouble: Deposits on surface.
Possible Cause: Insoluble products on anode.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Try new electrolyte
2. Increase temperature
3. Increase voltage
Trouble: Roughness or matte surface.
Possible Cause: Insufficient or no polishing.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Increase voltage
2. Use more viscous electrolyte
Trouble: Waviness or streaks on polished surface
Possible Cause:
1. Insufficient time
2. Incorrect agitation
3. Inadequate preparation
4. Time too long
Suggested Corrections:
1. Increase or decrease agitation
2. Improve the preparation
3. Increase voltage and decrease time
Trouble: Stains on polished surface.
Possible Cause: Attack after polishing is off.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Remove specimen while current is still on.
2. Try less corrosive eleclrolyte
Trouble: Unpolished spots (bullseyes).
Possible Cause: Gas bubles.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Increase agitation
2. Decrease voltage
Trouble: Phases in relief.
Possible Cause: Insufficient polishing film.
Suggested Corrections:
1. Increase voltage
2. Improve preparation
3. Decrease time
Trouble: Pitting.
Possible Cause:
1. Time too long
2. Voltage too high
Suggested Corrections:
1. Improve preparation
2. Decrease voltage
3. Decrease time
4. Try different electrolyte